To date we’ve surveyed over 36,000 people in the UK about their cycling, health and travel behaviour as part of our Workplace Cycle Challenge programme. This includes more than 13,000 ‘non-cyclist’ participants.
We now have some great results and interesting findings from this research. For example, we know that:
If we had the key to open up the heads of people in your area and ask them any questions you liked about cycling, what would you ask?
We’re currently re-designing our surveys for our future Challenges, and we would like to get the thoughts and ideas of people who are working to get more people cycling in the UK.
We’re looking for new questions that we can ask each of our three key audiences:
We’re keen to share the results of our research with people like yourself who are working to design and implement programmes that will encourage more people to cycle, more often and for transport trips.
It’s our aim to give you the intelligence to make your job easier and your projects more effective.
Please do take minute to think up some questions that you would like to ask each of the above audiences. You can send your thoughts, ideas and questions to:
If you send in an idea by 31 August 2011 then we'll put you in the draw to win a bottle of New Zealand wine!
Please feel free to get in touch:
Thanks for your thoughts and insights.