Love to Ride Blog

Love to Ride Helps to Create A Healthy Shasta

Written by Bruna Ma | August 20, 2024 at 4:17 PM

Since 2018, Love to Ride has been on a mission to help promote healthy and physically active lifestyles in Shasta County, California, through a partnership with Healthy Shasta. By introducing engaging biking challenges and behaviour change programs, we aim to make physical activity a fun and integral part of daily life.


Over the past 6 years, the amount of challenge participants in Shasta County has doubled, leading to remarkable results:

  • 3,200 people and 162 workplaces have joined Love to Ride
  • 85.4% of riders stated improving health or fitness as a main motivator for riding
  • 253,469 trips have been logged, covering over 241,000 miles
  • Together all riders have saved 70,466 kg of CO2, equivalent to planting 2,819 trees


Healthy Shasta is a community collaborative that promotes healthy eating and physically active lifestyles through environmental, policy, and organizational changes. They envision a community where the healthy choice is the easy choice.


Let’s hear our partners at Healthy Shasta, as they describe what it’s like to work with Love to Ride and how Love to Ride can help make their vision come true:

What's it like to work with Love to Ride?


How has Love to Ride enhanced your work?


What impact has the Love to Ride app had in your community?


After the interview


Watch the full case-study video



Interested in learning more?

Want to find out how you can leverage Love to Ride to drive health and wellness in your community?

Fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch soon!