Love to Ride Blog

SS4A and Safe Routes

Written by Laura Cisneros | June 13, 2024 at 6:16 PM

There’s more money available to improve safety in your community, including improving safe routes to school.

The Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) that President Biden signed into law in 2021 is a transformative initiative designed to eliminate roadway fatalities and serious injuries. At Love to Ride, we are dedicated to promoting safer, healthier, and more sustainable transportation through our innovative tools and programs. Our approach perfectly aligns with the objectives of the SS4A program, making us the ideal partner to help you strengthen your grant application and create safer streets in your community.

Develop Comprehensive Safety Action Plans with Love to Ride

The SS4A program emphasizes the development of comprehensive safety action plans, which identify and address the most significant roadway safety concerns within a community. Love to Ride’s data-driven approach provides invaluable insights into cycling behaviors and roadway safety issues. Our tools enable communities to gather detailed data on where people cycle and where they feel unsafe and uncomfortable when riding. 

This data helps:

  • To pinpoint high-risk areas;
  • To make data-driven decisions; 
  • To prioritize infrastructure projects and investment;
  • To enable direct community feedback on safety planning;
  • To make the case for a project to local residents and businesses, elected officials, colleagues and funders.
  • To give planners and program managers the confidence that you’re making the right decisions and making the best use of your infrastructure dollars. 


Leverage Our Expertise for Planning and Demonstration Grants

Love to Ride’s platform is a valuable tool in the planning process, offering tools for:

  • Community Engagement: Engage diverse groups of roadway users through challenges, surveys, and interactive maps, gathering essential community input and building broad support for safety initiatives.
  • Data Collection and Analysis: Utilize our analytics tools to gather comprehensive data on cycling patterns, unsafe areas, crash hotspots, and near-miss incidents, ensuring informed decision-making and effective planning.
  • Pilot Programs: Implement pilot programs for new infrastructure and behavioral initiatives, receiving real-time feedback and making adjustments before wider implementation.


Utilize Comfort Ratings to Enhance Roadway Safety

One of Love to Ride’s standout features is our Comfort Ratings tool. This innovative tool enables people to rate their safety and comfort levels on the routes they ride, providing valuable insights into the perceived safety and user experience of different road segments. These ratings are aggregated to create detailed comfort maps that planners can use to prioritize investments and identify hotspots, ultimately helping to prevent traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities.

Create Actionable Maps for Planners

  • Prioritize Investments: Highlight areas with low comfort ratings and high crash and near miss rates, ensuring funds are directed to the most critical areas to improve safety and comfort for cyclists.
  • Identify Hotspots: Reveal hotspots where cyclists feel most at risk and implement targeted interventions like protected bike lanes, improved road surfaces, or reduced traffic speeds.
  • Enhance Safety Planning: Complement traditional traffic data with cyclists' perceptions and their crash and near-miss data leading to more holistic and effective safety plans.

Real-World Impact

By leveraging Love to Ride’s Comfort Ratings, communities can make data-driven decisions that enhance the safety and appeal of cycling. Prioritizing investments based on user feedback and innovative data collection and analysis aligns with the SS4A program’s mission to prevent traffic fatalities and serious injuries, ensuring every road user can get around safely in our communities. 


Safe Routes to School

We’re helping Safe Route to School programs with data collection to identify more quickly and efficiently the parts of children’s routes to school that most need improvement. 

Read more about our tools for Safe Routes to School data collection here


Take Action: Make Your Grant Applications Strong and Your Community Safer

Whether you're applying for SS4A, TAP, or any other program, Love to Ride is here to help. Our innovative tools and programs align perfectly with the SS4A objectives, providing the support you need to develop effective safety action plans and implement impactful projects.

Book a call with Love to Ride today to find out how we can help you make your community safer for people walking and biking.


Interested in finding out more? Get in touch at or book a call here.