The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

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  • by: Thomas Stokell

This week we've received even more positive feedback from participants of the Swindon Cycle Challenge.

    Hi Tom,

    Thanks for organising a great challenge! We usually run bike week events but your local challenge proved a much better way to get people onto bikes. I'm really keen to promote cycling as a way of getting around so will be watching your blog for furthe developments.
    I've been quite entertained by it all actually. I offered my road bike to people to have a go, and some of the expressions and comments you get from people when they see the 25mm, slick tyres are quite fun. But generally it's got people talking about cycling a LOT here, and 4 new people had a go, which is great!



    Up until the challenge I hadn't ridden a bike for well over a year.

    I did actually enjoy the bike ride - its funny how easily you forget how much pleasure it brings

    I am now glad to say that I have bought a bike and am planning on using it a lot more.





    This was a great thing to do - and was exceptionally well done!
    Many, many thanks!

    Mark (keen cyclist-commuter)


    I’m so pleased to have taken part in this challenge. I live in Chippenham, and for months have been wondering ‘could I, could I possibly...’ and the challenge promted me to give it a go. Of course, having done the journey I realised that it really is no trouble at all – in fact it’s a pleasure! Due to time constraints however, I can only realistically do it once a week (possibly twice), in the summer. But am now considering getting the train to Swindon, & then to cycle up to Halcrow. I do prefer to cycle the complete route though – it’s just easier to get on the bike and ride, isn’t it? And who knows, maybe cycling is the winter, in the dark won’t be so bad after all.

    I’ve also taken advantage of the cycle scheme to order myself a super new road bike, and look forward to that arriving.

    Anyway, the bug has well and truly bitten!

    Best wishes, and thanks,



    Thanks. I did actually enjoy it (and have continued!). I was surprised at how good the cycle tracks in our local area are.



    Hi Thomas,
    Looks like the Challenge was a great success for you, so well done for
    that. You did a great job organising it all, & the website was really

    We really enjoyed taking part, so hopefully there'll be another one
    at some point that we can be part of. The bike racks downstairs were
    nearly full up, which was a great sign that lots of people were giving
    cycling a go.

    I'll keep logging my mile on the website - nice to see the mileage building up.

    Have a good weekend!

Once again these types of comments really help to add colour to the numbers behind the Challenge which demonstrate statistically that this programme gets more people cycling.

Read more comments people have made about the Challenge in an earlier post.

Published on: 24, Jul 2024

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