The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

A Conversation with Randy Neufeld: The Importance of Behaviour Change And The Future of Biking

Randy Neufeld, one of the OG of bicycle advocacy in the US, now former Director of the SRAM Cycling Fund, sat down with Love to Ride CEO, Thomas Stokell, to discuss a range of topics—from overcoming e...

How to achieve long-term mode shift using proven behavior change tactics

Let’s face it, we’re all creatures of habit and changing behavior can be tricky to achieve. Especially when it comes to trading our cars for handlebars.

Team Love to Ride Took on a Challenge

This February, we took our rider challenge framework and flipped it on its head - by challenging ourselves. We each set a goal for transportation trips on our Love to ride profiles and had the whole o...

Going by bike: A child's perspective

Active travel amongst children has long been an interest for many of the organizations and partners Love to Ride works with. While our main campaigns focus on the bike riding behavior of adults, we to...

Our Behavior Change Framework

This 2-minute video explains how we've integrated Behavior Change Theory into the Love to Ride platform over the last decade. And, the stats show it's working... On average: 40% of non-cyclists start ...

Winter Riding? Snow Problem.

When the nights draw in and the thermometer drops, it’s fair to say cycling slinks down the agenda for many people. On top of the winter chill, lower light levels and less predictable weather are addi...

Devon County Council - behaviour change in action

Love to Ride has worked with Devon County Council to get more people on bikes since 2016. Over the past 5 years, individuals and organizations in Devon have clocked up more than 8-million miles, encou...

Bridging the Gender Gap

As part of our mission to get more people riding bikes, we’re constantly diving into our data to further improve our approach. Did you realise that women are three times more likely than men to cite a...

7 Reasons to Invest in Cycling Behaviour Change

At Love to Ride we provide an effective and safe way to deliver cycling programs, even in the Covid-19 era. For this reason, our city and regional programmes have all seen higher than normal take-up s...

3 Love to Ride Videos to Watch

Are you new to Love to Ride? Here are 3 videos you should watch to learn more about our behaviour change theory, and what is new for 2016. If you can't view the videos below, email them to yourself to...

Thomas speaks at TEDx Atlanta

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