The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

Success in Swindon!

  • by: Thomas Stokell

The Swindon Workplace Cycle Challenge went very well and exceeded even our expectations of what a Workplace Cycle Challenge could achieve.

Topline Outcomes:

  • 38 Organisations took part
  • 250 departments within these organisations registered
  • 855 people participated


  • 161 participants hadn't ridden a bike in over a year
  • 110 - have cycled 'maybe once or twice' in the last year
  • 122 - cycle about once a month
  • 96 - cycle roughly once a week
  • 135 - cycle 2-3 days a week
  • 218 - cycled 4+ days a week

383 people were cycling only once a month or less before the Challenge.  This group of people is an ideal target audience who we've now got a relationship with and who we can now assist and encourage to cycle more often in future.

Two Week Follow-up Survey

We sent 5 different surveys out to 5 different groups of participants. This is so we could ask specific questions that were relevant to each target group, e.g. people new to cycling.

Responses from people who hadn't cycled in over a year

1) Thinking ahead to next three months, will you be riding your bike:-

      Definitely more than I did before the Challenge    52%


      More than I did before the Challenge                       31%


      About the same as I did before the Challenge        7%


      Less than I did before the Challenge                        1%


      Definitely less than I did before the Challenge       2%


    I don't know                                                                 6%

83% of people who hadn't ridden a bike in over a year now intend to cycle more often after taking part in the Workplace Cycle Challenge.  Only 3 people said they'd cycle less (one said because they don't own a bike, and the other two because of the weather!).

5) How likely is it that you would take part in the Challenge again if it was repeated?

      Very likely           75%


      Quite likely          25%


      Quite unlikely      0%


    Very unlikely        0%

100% of people who hadn't cycled in over a year would take part in the Challenge again.  This shows that people did have a positive cycling experience when they took part in the Challenge.

4 Month Follow-up Survey

We'll be doing another short survey of Participants in October to find out if people have been cycling more often after taking part in the Challenge.

Thanks to the CTC

The CTC funded the Swindon Challenge, so a big thanks to them for seeing the potential this programme has to change behaviour and get more people cycling.

Want a Summary Report?

If you'd like a summary report giving more details and stats from the Swindon Workplace Cycle Challenge then send Thomas an email and he'll email a report to you:

Published on: 24, Jul 2024

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