The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

1 Million More People Riding

We’ve recently set ourselves a target of getting 1 million new people to take up riding.

Doing the maths

We’ve estimated that if we spread Love to Ride to 26 Countries and get similar results to those which we’ve achieved in the England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland and Australia, then we can get 2 million new people riding over 10 years.  This analysis has given us the confidence that we can achieve our 1 million new riders target.

Getting to scale

We've spent the last 8 years and more than £3,000,000 developing, trialling and enhancing our (now rather sophisticated) approach to influencing people's behaviour and encouraging more people to enjoy cycling.  We've nailed it - now it's time to scale it!

To achieve this we will work in thousands of towns and cities around the world, partnering with with councils, local advocacy groups and millions of existing riders. We've got a plan and we'll keep you posted with developments.

How many people can we get cycling in your city?

Typically a Workplace Cycle Challenge involves between 600 to 3,000 people (largely dependant on population size).  On average, 30% of participation is from non-cyclists and 82% of non-cyclists continue riding after the Challenge (54% take up riding weekly!).  So about 25% of participants in a Challenge will become new riders in your city each year!

You can read more about the typical behaviour change outcomes that we achieve here.

Published on: 4, Sep 2024

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