The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

2020 in Numbers

  • by: Thomas Stokell

2020 was a tough year on a number of levels. We were asked to stay closer to home, keep our distance and even spend less time together. Despite the trying times we all experienced, as human beings that are fundamentally programmed to survive, we adapted.

At Love to Ride, we and our partners and clients around the world adapted too. We held up riding a bike as a panacea for all the world to see and experience. Riding a bike as a source of joy, physical and mental health, and as a socially distanced mode of transportation.   

By working together we’ve pulled off some amazing feats in 2020 and got more people enjoying the benefits of riding bikes. So, grab a drink, pull up a chair and enjoy the show...



🌎 Go big or go home, or for 2020...Go big and work from home 🙂

5,893,992 bike rides were logged across the globe.

We rode our bikes 93,984,895 miles or 151,254,027km. Whilst we had to stay closer to home we managed to travel around the world 3,774 times.

21,716 riders encouraged someone else to go for a bike ride, sharing the fun of biking with their family, friends and co-workers.

We saved 3,542,406kg (7,809,659.11lb) of carbon by riding for transportation this year...that’s the same impact that 162,701 trees have in a year!

Air today, gone tomorrow! 3,286 riders earned their 'Fixing a Flat Badge' on Love to Ride.

⭐️ Love to Ride Superstars

We had some pretty spectacular people riding their bikes this year too!

Hands together for Steve who gave out 17,499 high fives this year!!! Do you need some hand cream, Steve?!

Meanwhile in Italy, Daniele left us all in the dust and clocked up 26,306 miles on their bike.

You know who had the most fun on two wheels this year? Rob logged 764 rides for fun, that’s more than twice a day. 

Well done Tejo who logged the most rides this year and rolled out on his bike 1,691 times in New Zealand. 

Tejo also ditched cars for handlebars and logged the most rides for transportation. Those 764 rides have saved 777kg of carbon.

We love a sharer, and Susan topped the charts. She posted 12 great stories of her 2020 biking adventures in Madison.

But it’s not all about doing the most of something. Take a look at the best stories from 2020 to see some of the best tales told from saddles across the globe.


We’re overjoyed to have been part of so many incredible journeys this year. 

We’d love to chat through what 2021 looks like for you. There’s still a lot of covid uncertainty but we’re talking to lots of people about their plans and happy to share what we’ve learned and set you up for success next year. Fill out the form below and we can chat through your options.




Published on: 24, Jul 2024

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