The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

Cycling Innovations - UK Style

  • by: Claire Sharpe

CYCLOPS - Transport for Greater Manchester

First up is the new CYCLOPS junction that Love to Ride clients, Transport for Greater Manchester, have unveiled in Hulme and, more recently, Bolton.

CYCLOPS stands for ‘Cycle Optimised Protected Signals’. The key feature is a segregated bike lane that runs the whole way round the junction, minimising the risk of collisions. People traveling by bike or on foot are given priority and have more space than on conventional junctions, whilst motorised modes can move through them easily too.

Chris Boardman, who introduced us to the revolutionary new design on our webinar last summer, said, 

“Junctions are where most collisions occur and can be a scary experience for people travelling without cars. If people are faced with one or more of these stressful experiences on a journey. In many cases, they simply opt to jump in the car, so tackling this is a top priority. Our traffic engineers have come up with a world-leading junction design that will be introduced in towns and cities not only across the UK but abroad too.

“The CYCLOPS approach makes foot and bike travel far safer and more direct without disrupting other modes. It is frankly genius and we’ll soon be wondering why we ever did anything else.”

Still from our webinar with Christ Boardman

As well as solving the issue of potential left-hook collisions, the CYCLOPS junction allows people on foot or cycling to move through the crossings at the same time. People on foot have shorter crossing times and there is the potential for diagonal crossings. People on bikes can go left without signal control, helping to ensure that journey times for everyone - including those in motor vehicles - are not negatively affected.

We’re really excited to see the results of these fantastic new junctions and to see that similar approaches are being implemented by our partners elsewhere. Across the Pennines in Sheffield, for example, plans out for consultation include this ‘Dutch-style roundabout’ at West Bar that will give priority to people going on foot or by bike.

Dutch-style roundabout at West Bar


Bristol and Bath Railway Path - Bristol City Council

Over in Bristol, just a stone's throw away from our UK office, is the Bristol and Bath Railway Path. This shared use path was Sustran’s first major project and since its completion in 1986 has grown in popularity for walkers, runners and people riding bikes! No wonder, as it links the cities of Bristol and Bath with 13 miles of traffic free path and is an important commuter and leisure route between both cities.

Artist's impression of Bristol and Bath Path improvements

The route had become a victim of its own success with a variety of issues at the Bristol end of the path. Narrow paths with many people using it at rush hour (to walk, run, ride a bike, e-scooter and everything in between!) lead to safety concerns and tension between users. To solve this One Path BS5 was created - a collaboration between Bristol City Council and Sustrans, funded by the Department for Transport. They’ve taken a community co-design approach to make sure it caters for diverse requirements of everyone using it.

After a number of public consultations and design submissions, the plans have been released and will address 15 points on the path to make it more inclusive, better deal with demand and build new habitats for wildlife! It’s a great example of how including people in the design process can lead to brilliant results. Now the plans are finalised, work will commence in summer 2021. You can see the plans in detail over on the Sustrans site.

Easton Community Centre improvements

Mobility Corral - Cyclehoop

Recently we presented at the Cycling + Walking Innovations conference and got to see Cyclehoop Founder, Anthony Lau, unveil their latest innovation, the Mobility Corral.

Cyclehoop Mobility Corrale

Reallocation of road space could happen considerably quicker and more cost effectively thanks to this clever new cycle parking product. The Mobility Corral system enables local authorities to provide attractive and safe on-street parking for various micromobility types, freeing up vital pavement space for pedestrians.

But! If you want to see a fairer balance of car and cycle parking on your streets, at least in the UK, Anthony Lau says, “You are going to have to ask the council for it!”

Our team here at Love to Ride are excited to have cycle infrastructure like this become an everyday sight on our streets. Picture this; family friendly cargo bike parking provided on school streets and outside leisure centres, standard cycle parking provided along high streets and in business districts – that is cycle parking spaces on our roads, instead of cars!

It’s great to see UK companies taking a creative response to crises. Covid-19 and climate change has accelerated the UK government’s plans to transform streets and create liveable cities. With innovations like Cyclehoop’s Mobility Corral, we will get there!


It’s a very exciting time for infrastructure development in the UK, and across the globe as more people discover the benefits of riding a bike.

If you have a story of innovative infrastructure in your area use the contact form below to let us know all about it, we’ll be sharing more soon and you could feature!

Published on: 4, Sep 2024

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