The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

Let’s face it, we’re all creatures of habit and changing behavior can be tricky to achieve. Especially when it comes to trading our cars for handlebars.

 But what if there were a way to make behavior change enjoyable, in an inspiring, connect-to-your-community kind of way so that it helps bring about long-term mode shift?

 We’ve spent over a decade refining how to best motivate new riders to not only get on their bikes (many for the first time since childhood!), but also to help them ride more often and for transportation.

 Soon, we’ll share more about how to boost engagement and achieve long-term mode shift using our proven behavior change approach, but here are 3 ways we helped people like yourself engage and inspire over 18,000 new riders to hop on bikes in 2023:

1. 🔥 Firing riders up using a workplace champion

 A workplace champion helps set goals and change perceptions of active travel and social norms. As the anchor, the champion can create a tight-knit riding community and share real-time results (total miles, carbon savings, new riders, milestones), making it easier for new participants to overcome their barriers to riding. 

2. 🙌 High fives and team camaraderie 

Love to Ride's social features, like high-fives, photo/story sharing, friendly competitions, and messaging, create a sense of team camaraderie and connection, even when riding alone. This expands the scope beyond the individual to local, national and global communities, providing a helpful dose of inspiration.

3.🎯 Effective Gamification

Exciting workplace challenges with leaderboards increase team morale. These encourage healthy competition and motivate all types of riders - the new, regular, and seasoned cyclists. This sense of reward and achievement improves the likelihood that a participant continues riding after the challenge is over. 

❓But...does this approach really work? Check out how 59% of riders from this hospital were still exercising 30+ mins a week, 6 months after a Love to Ride challenge.

Jan testimonial cropped

1st Ride in 15 years

I used to ride my bicycle a lot when I was younger. While I was in college, my dad sold my bike. I never looked into buying another one until recently. I have a lot of friends who ride and they have been asking me to join. Long story short, I bought a bike and did a ride this week. It was scary riding on shared roads, but I know with time I will get more confidence! Don’t know why I waited so long to get on a bike again. #bikelove - Kristina James

Curious about how to achieve long-term mode shift in your area? Simply fill out the form below ⬇️

Published on: 1, Oct 2024

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