The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

Our new Insights Dashboard brings your data to life. There is still a place for the humble spreadsheet, but not if you want to track live data in an easy to interpret way.

📊 Don’t want to wait for really detailed stats?
📊Want to see year-on-year growth in a couple of clicks?
📊Want to track engagement by demographic or region?

The new Insights Dashboard tracks your community's real-time data and makes it simple to understand. Instead of pouring over complex spreadsheets, you can pull up data in moments to share with stakeholders. Data such as transport trips recorded over time, rider engagement over time, gender breakdown,  and much more can be seen in real-time and in a more visual format. Detailed exports for further interpretation are still just a click away.

Quotes (1200 × 450px)This first dashboard is the beginning of a much bigger data access and visualization project. There are several additional updates scheduled that will unlock more insights and visualize your behavior change outcomes and trends so we can all be even more effective at getting more people riding bikes.

Our Behavior Change & Insights Manager, Fleur Ammerlaan, has been instrumental in making sure we’re unlocking the best data for our clients:

“This first Insights Dashboard provides a valuable snapshot to the breadth of data we have available to share with our clients and partners. It allows for easy tracking of year-round trends, a breakdown of audiences by riding frequency and various demographic markers as well as showcasing engagement in and outside of our campaign periods. The Insights Dashboard brings your data to life in a clear and visual way. The graphs and analysis can be exported and added into your reports to demonstrate what you’re achieving to your stakeholders."

Insights Dashboard

How does it work?

Join our Product Manager Laurence for a quick tour.


Just to recap, it’s as simple as:

🖱 Login and tap ‘Insights’

🖱All that’s left to do is scroll and discover.


Want to start monitoring and reporting on biking in your region like this? Get in touch using the form below or email - we'd love to hear from you.



Published on: 24, Jul 2024

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