The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

Last year the world saw a boom in women taking to two wheels (or three, or four). For International Women’s Day 2021 we asked our riders to share videos with us - all starting with "I love to ride because..." so we can spread the love and inspire more women to get out and ride a bike.

The reasons they ride were varied. They ranged from setting an amazing example for their kids, to being more sustainable, to feeling free with the wind on their face and more.

We've learned that whilst our motivations to ride might be different, our bicycles have the power to put a smile on our face.


The boom in biking last year stretched globally. As a result, more women than ever before hopped in the saddle. At Love to Ride we saw that reflected in new registrants to our platform. 

New riders - 60% female

Occasional riders - 52% female

Regular riders - 39% female

As exciting as that was, we're now working to make last year's figures the rule, instead of the exception. We want to ensure that Love to Ride a balanced place where everyone feels welcome and supported to enjoy all the benefits of riding a bike.


If you want to share why you love to ride your bike, head over to our Stories feed to see other people’s and add your own.

Published on: 24, Jul 2024

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