The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

Rolls-Royce successfully implemented Love to Ride programs to improve team morale, increase health outcomes, and reduce carbon emissions.



Rolls-Royce started using the Love to Ride platform in 2019, and placed first in the global challenge that year!

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As the global winners, staff gathered to enjoy encouraging talks from Rolls-Royce's Director of Health, Safety and Environment, as well as their hard-working champion, Eloise Thatcher, who organized the event.



Team Enthusiasm:

It’s great for my health, to skip traffic, and help CO2.  - Gareth M.

It's fun to have a challenge with friends, family, and colleagues. - Ross W.

It was fun and generated healthy competition at work. -Simon F.


Interested in learning more?

Want to know how you can leverage a Love to Ride program to encourage and support more of your staff to ride bikes?

Learn more about Love to Ride for Business here.

Want to talk with a human?  Find a time that works for you here.

And if you'd like to share your bike story, you can do so on our stories feed - you never know whom you may inspire to ride!


Published on: 24, Jul 2024

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