The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

Results Achieved

Southampton City Council and Portsmouth City Council have successfully leveraged the Love to Ride platform and programme, achieving impressive results:

-  In 2024, 1,800 people and 214 workplaces participated in the Love to Ride Solent programme.

- Of those who did not ride a bike before participating, 29% report riding more frequently.

- Of those who did not ride for transportation before participating, 30% have now started riding for transportation.

- Among those who did not meet the recommended levels of physical activity before participating, 47% have since increased their physical activity levels.


Additionally, 49% of those who signed up are part of the target audience — new riders or those who ride only occasionally.


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59% of 'new riders' are female

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Cost per Result Analysis

When the cost of the programme is divided by the results that the programme has achieved, we get a 'cost per result' achieved.

Here is the 2024 'cost per result' analysis:

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Note on 'cost per result' calculation: for each result of the project (e.g. the 'number of new people taking up bike riding' ) we take a proportion of the total budget (e.g. 14% of the budget) and divide it by the total number of people who have taken up biking as a result of the program. This calculation generates the 'cost per result' figure for each result type.

Transportation Planning Data

We now have more than 78,000 miles of GPS bike route data across the region, providing useful insights into the travel patterns, behaviour and routes people take in the Solent region. 

We also have 126,000 user-ratings of 10-metre road segments.  People in the region have 'rated their routes' and provided feedback on where they feel safe and comfortable riding, and where they feel unsafe and uncomfortable riding.  

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Mapped Transportation Data

This data is aggregated so that local and regional planners can make evidence-based decisions and business cases.

They can also use these transportation planning tools to prioritise and optimise their limited infrastructure budgets on where they'll have the greatest impact on improving the safety, comfort and usability of the network


Kudos to Southampton City Council, The National Highways Agency, Portsmouth City Council, and other regional and MyJourney partners for achieving these results with the Love to Ride programme and platform! 🎉

We love delivering excellent value for money to our customers, and our work in the Solent region is another example of the Love to Ride platform and programme doing just that. 



Published on: 1, Oct 2024

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