The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

It's clear the staff at the University of Washington loves cycling: since 2018, 1200+ individuals from 19 different departments have participated in 17 Love to Ride events and challenges!

Here’s more about their success over the last 5 years:

  • The School of Medicine trekked the most miles (48K!) with the Library staff coming in 2nd (21K).

  • The Astronomy team logged the most transport trips (1878), while 35% of the staff from the Landscape Architecture department hopped on bikes.

  • The Applied Physics Lab and Civil & Environmental Engineering departments are neck and neck for the most riders.

And to top it off, the University placed 2nd overall in their category during the 2023 Cycle September challenge.  Congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment!

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Here are a few great tales from the road (in both rain and shine!):


I-90 to Palouse to Cascades trail via Lake Annette bike segment - David Koelle, May 2022



I did 5 miles, pretty trick on city bike friendly streets Vancouver, BC, + foot brakes. Scenic route! I'll take it as septuagenarian???  - Shelley Hartnett, October 2023


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Soggy ride home along Ravenna to close out the month! -  Andy Lewis, December 2021

We look forward to watching where the enthusiastic team at the University of Washington rolls onto next!



Interested in learning more?

Want to know how you can leverage a Love to Ride program to encourage and support more of your staff to ride bikes?

Learn more about Love to Ride for government and municipalities here.

Want to talk with a human?  Find a time that works for you here.

And if you'd like to share your bike story, you can do so on our stories feed - you never know whom you may inspire to ride!


Published on: 24, Jul 2024

Interested in working together? Get in touch.