The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

The Bike Month Challenge 2024 was one sweet ride across the globe: 

  • 53,836 riders and 8,692 workplaces have taken part in the challenge
  • 644,309 trips were taken, with 217,137 of them for transportation
  • 697,632 lbs of CO2 were saved, equivalent to taking 1,537 cars off the road for a month


Love to Ride has been igniting the cycling spirit in Scotland with challenges like Cycle September and Winter Wheelers since 2015. This year’s Bike Month Challenge in Scotland was no exception:

  • 3,086 riders and 600 workplaces across Scotland took part in the challenge
  • 36,408 trips were taken, with 12,804 of them for transportation
  • 39,369 lbs of CO2 were saved, equivalent to taking 147 cars off the road for a month


We’re constantly inspired by riders' enthusiasm in Scotland and the positive impacts our challenges had on them on and off the bike. Here are some stories from our passionate riders that we’d like to share:


Oluwatosin A., Aberdeen City and Shire

Oluwatosin 1

The Bike Month Challenge has played a huge role in motivating me to ride more even when I think of using other options to go out. I just want to register (ride) each day of the month.

I love and enjoy using the app because it's user-friendly. I have recommended it before and will still and continue to recommend it to friends:)


Ewan S., Aberdeen City and Shire

My favourite things about cycling are the freedom you feel to travel from one place to another on your own terms, either challenging yourself to ride at pace or just enjoying the scenery. It also provides me with a clear break in my day, helping me to not take work problems home. 


Jacqui G., Aberdeen City and Shire

Jacqui Gill 1I love the headspace cycling gives you. You never come back from a bike ride in a bad mood. The Bike Month Challenge gave me the nudge to push myself to commute on days when the weather was less than perfect or I was feeling a bit lazy.


Charis B., Shetland

I live in Shetland and have cycled all my life. In my early teens, I'd go 20-30 miles on my 3-speed bairns bike, then I got my racer for work & fun. Now I have my disability trike & thanks to the 'Shetland Bike Project', it now has a motor and battery fitted!

My favourite things about cycling are being with the wildflowers and wildlife in summer and winter, and pedalling as hard as I can to get down the steep hills against the wind and driving rain, knowing when I get home, I'll get dried and warmed up.

Love to Ride and the Bike Month Challenge have motivated me in many ways, in particular, they've made me feel good about myself when I log my rides and when I look back over my trips on one of my negative mornings. I'd say to anyone considering starting to cycle, go for it! You'll become hooked because of how much better you'll feel, especially if you have any bone or muscle problems, and it's an awful lot of fun. 


If you'd like to share your bike story, you can do so on our stories feed - you never know who you could inspire to ride!


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Published on: 1, Oct 2024

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