The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

1 min read

Take Part in Our International Women's Day Video 2021

Do you want to be a spokes-womxn for all things biking this International Women's Day? Then shoot a short video explaining why you love riding your bike and be in our video.

5 min read

Community, Connection and Covid

When the pandemic hit Aussie shores in 2020, like everyone else, we weren’t sure how hard we would have to brace for impact. Whilst we’ve been lucky to escape the worst of it, for much of 2020, like e...

7 Reasons to Invest in Cycling Behaviour Change

At Love to Ride we provide an effective and safe way to deliver cycling programs, even in the Covid-19 era. For this reason, our city and regional programmes have all seen higher than normal take-up s...

6 min read

Cycling Innovations - UK Style

CYCLOPS - Transport for Greater Manchester

6 min read

Rider's Stories - February 2021

4 min read

Run an Effective and Safe Bike Month Program in 2021

While many local Bike Month programs and events were cancelled last year, cities with Love to Ride programs saw some of their best ever results. From Madison with a 15% increase to San Diego who saw a...

4 min read

Project Spotlight: Ride On

Social prescribing is a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Through this system, people facing a range of challenges are connected up with community groups and services which provide them with ...

Our Behaviour Change Framework

Watch this short video that explains how we have implemented behavior change methods into the Love to Ride platform.

4 min read

2020 in Numbers

2020 was a tough year on a number of levels. We were asked to stay closer to home, keep our distance and even spend less time together. Despite the trying times we all experienced, as human beings tha...

9 min read

The best stories from 2020

6 min read

Planning your programs for 2021

Back in March 2020, I remember talking with a friend about the onset of COVID- 19 and the lockdowns that were starting to take shape. He said: “It’ll probably be over by July.” A few months later, man...

1 min read

GSK Winter Wheelers Webinar

Interested in working together? Get in touch.