The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

Cycle September in Slough

  • by: Christian Lampe

Cycle September in Slough

York Cycle September Story

Mind is the Ride

Submit your story on our new Stories feature for a chance to win one of two copies of Jet McDonald's excellent book 'Mind is the Ride'. Submit before Friday 2 August to enter. UPDATE: Congratulations ...

Why cities and regions are signing-up to Cycle September

Bike Week 2019 - everyday cycling for everyone

2019 Australian Bike Summit

Growing the National Bike Challenge in the USA

Our most popular program ever

Sharing Shasta's Success Story

Hop On > Changing Lives Through Cycling

Fozia Naseem is Managing Director at Hop On, who deliver fun and social rides for families of all abilities in West Yorkshire including cycling skills to build confidence to ride on the roads. Hop On ...

Ride365 - year round cycling encouragement

Ride365 is our year-round rolling program of activity, promotions, encouragement and engagement. As well as delivering more tailored national programs, including the National Bike Challenge in North A...

Love to Ride Southampton - taking a peek at progress

In many ways, Love to Ride Southampton is typical of a first-year Love to Ride behaviour change project. A city where, over the years, various infrastructure development and traffic calming measures h...

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