Curious what lessons can be learned from 70,000 new, occasional, and regular riders from across the UK?
200 Years ago... In 1817, the first verifiable bicycle was born. In 2017, we’re celebrating the 200th birthday of the bicycle with the ‘Year of the Bike’. In participating regions, a calendar of event...
Winter is upon us and cold weather and shorter daylight hours can make getting on your bike seem a bit trickier. But with the right approach and some basic equipment, riding in winter can be fun - and...
We love hearing stories from all over the world of people and places that have benefited from our work.
Here are just three of the things we're excited about at the moment:
Johann Weber is our Partnerships Manager, and is a PhD in Public Policy (exploring the implementation of bicycle infrastructure across the United States). He loves to help cities, regions, and workpla...
Sam and Jack from our UK team participated in last week's Smarter Travel Live Presentation. Sam's presentation on, "What have we learned?" was highly requested!
For 2016 the popular Bike More Challenge based in Portland, Oregon will be using the Love to Ride behavior change platform.
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