With the current funding situation, we’re doing a number things at Love to Ride to continue working with our local partners across the UK to encourage cycling:
Success in 2015 After the success of the inaugural National Cycle Challenge in 2015, we are very pleased to announce that the National Cycle Challenge will be back in 2016 to get more people in the UK...
In this video, the Atlanta Regional Commission (the local MPO) and the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition (local bicycle advocacy organization) talk about their experiences of running a Bike Challenge and the ...
Here's a quick 2 minute video on some of our new features coming to Love to Ride in 2016:
Below are a few of the emails that we got just in the last week from people who have engaged with Love to Ride. These stories are what it's all about!
In a CIVITAS webinar I gave today I mentioned a number of the behavior change concepts, theories and tools that we use to get more people cycling.
Let’s get more people riding to work! If you're interested in finding out more about getting more people in your area taking up riding to work, then please get in touch and we'll send you some more in...
If you want to take up a new habit, look to make it easier to initiate the habit by 20 seconds.
We're working with 5 cities in Australia this year - Sydney, Adelaide, Mackay, Cairns and now Gold Coast.
The very first UK National Cycle Challenge finished last Sunday and we've spent the week finalising the figures and confirming the results. A massive thank you to everyone who contributed to these ste...
Below are some more examples of the kind of emails we've been getting from participants of UK's Love to Ride Challenge...
Tuesday 7 July 2015 Between Monday 8 and Sunday 28 June, 19,054 people and 1,731 organisations took part in the first National Cycle Challenge. Together they logged 150,000 trips on the website and ro...
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