The Love to Ride Blog

Creating a more bike friendly world

5 min read

Love to Ride and Ecology Action's Green Impacts in            Santa Cruz

Since 2018, Love to Ride has partnered with Ecology Action to drive positive environmental change in Santa Cruz, California. Our journey together began with two workplace-based bike challenges: Bike M...

22 min read

Love to Ride's Innovative Data Mapping Tool Helps Create Better Biking Infrastructure

At Love to Ride, our mission is to enhance cycling safety and enjoyment worldwide. By harnessing cutting-edge data from our new app and mapping tools, we provide real-time, crowd-sourced insights that...

12 min read

North East England - Supporting and Measuring Physical Activity

The World Health Organization’s Recommendations on Physical Exercise - How to Achieve This Ambitious Goal? The WHO recommends that all adults engage in at least 150–300 minutes of moderate-intensity p...

6 min read

Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), London

The Great Ormond Street Hospital has successfully implemented Love to Ride programmes to improve team morale, increase health outcomes, and reduce carbon emissions.

4 min read

The University of Washington Loves to Ride!

It's clear the staff at the University of Washington loves cycling: since 2018, 1200+ individuals from 19 different departments have participated in 17 Love to Ride events and challenges!

3 min read

Rolls-Royce Reduces Carbon Emissions Using the Love to Ride Program

Rolls-Royce successfully implemented Love to Ride programs to improve team morale, increase health outcomes, and reduce carbon emissions.

5 min read

Auto Companies Encourage Employees to Ride Bikes and Reduce GHG Emissions

Rolls-Royce, Daimler and Ford Europe have all successfully implemented Love to Ride programs to improve team morale, increase health outcomes, and reduce carbon emissions.

3 min read

Sneak Peek into Love to Ride's Data Mapping Tool

We're pleased to introduce the new Love to Ride data mapping tool, designed to provide transport and active travel professionals with the insights they need to make better investment and infrastructur...

Team Love to Ride Took on a Challenge

This February, we took our rider challenge framework and flipped it on its head - by challenging ourselves. We each set a goal for transportation trips on our Love to ride profiles and had the whole o...

5 min read

10 Love to Ride programs

Changing people’s behavior is complex work and takes time. Thankfully, The Love to Ride team has been figuring out how to change people's bike riding behavior for more than 20 years now! We’ve pulled ...

Intentions beyond September

Year in, year out the Love to Ride team delivers Cycle September, our global workplace biking challenge. With a particular focus on recruiting businesses, this friendly competition gives them an oppor...

Devon County Council - behaviour change in action

Love to Ride has worked with Devon County Council to get more people on bikes since 2016. Over the past 5 years, individuals and organizations in Devon have clocked up more than 8-million miles, encou...

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